Justice League uscirà il 16 novembre nelle sale italiane, manca meno di una settimana. Negli Stati Uniti si è tenuta l’anteprima stampa del film e sono stati pubblicati i primi pareri su twitter. I vari giornalisti dicono che il film sia divertente, pieno di azione e più coeso rispetto a Batman v Superman, ma presenta diversi difetti come la CGi non fra le migliori e i cattivi non ben realizzati. Qui in basso sono disponibili alcuni tweet pubblicati da vari critici. Justice League è diretto da Zack Snyder e vede Flash, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman e Cyborg uniti contro una catastrofe planetaria.
I saw #JusticeLeague! Here’s what I thought. There are ton of things I’d change but it comes down to this: I had a blast! I got to see the team together and I had fun watching it. Ezra Miller steals the movie and #WonderWoman was perfect! pic.twitter.com/rgCI9fUuTs
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 10, 2017
Here it goes … #JusticeLeague is super thin and has some very weak CG but it’s got heart and a positive vibe that works. Overall, I had a pretty good time and am looking forward to seeing more of these characters.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) November 10, 2017
SO I saw #JusticeLeague -twice. Still under embargo, but: This is a fun superhero flick. Funny but still hero adventure. Reminds me of JL Unlimited ep. Likable interaction amongst recognizable heroes. There is a villain problem (no worse than Marvel's) – @aaronsagers
— Aaron Sagers (@aaronsagers) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is fine. It's more coherent & less idiosyncratic than Batman v Superman (which I loved, so make of that what you will), and tries very hard to lighten up on the gloom & doom of the DC universe. There are jokes and everything!
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) November 10, 2017
JUSTICE LEAGUE! It's okay. Narratively it's a mess, the stakes don't work & the villain isn't great. HOWEVER, the heroes ARE great, it's funny, & there's some surprisingly effective character work. I didn't love it, but there are enough good pieces to excite me for the future. pic.twitter.com/OY4ARJ5vDY
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) November 10, 2017
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