Tekken 7 si aggiorna su PC con una patch

Tekken 7, l’ultimo capitolo della saga picchiaduro uscito all’inizio del mese e che vi abbiamo già recensito qui, dopo aver mostrato qualche problema su PC, corre subito ai ripari con una patch. L’aggiornamento risolve alcuni bug riguardanti personaggi ma anche gameplay e specifiche tecniche. Ecco tutto ciò che è stato modificato e corretto:

  • Fixes an issue where the leaderboard only shows until the 97th rank and players can’t jump to their own ranking.
  • Fixes an issue where players can’t resume the game after minimizing the app’s Window.
  • Updates the matching version to ensure hackers will not be matched with legit users anymore.
  • Fixes Nina’s Ivory Cutter, Eddy’s rage arts and Miguel’s power crash move.
  • Fixes an issue where sometimes both controls are assigned to 1P in VERSUS battle.
  • Fixes an issue where the keyboard becomes unresponsive after reconnecting USB devices.
  • Fixes issues where customized Kazuya’s 3D model partially disappears.

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