Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, una patch risolve i problemi

Infinity Ward, sviluppatore dell’ultimo titolo della saga Call of Duty (come avevamo detto qui, disponibile gratuitamente nel weekend), ha risolto alcuni problemi che i giocatori avevano notificato, riguardanti armi, mappe e, più in generale, sul gameplay. Ecco gli update ufficiali:

  • Adjusted the R-C8 – Meteor variant no longer deals mid-air fall damage (aside from the initial drop) when boosting in the air. Also fixed a bug where ground pounds for the Meteor were not always successfully activating
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Trinity Rocket side missiles to move too slowly
  • Various map fixes
  • Drone Package – Fuse: We now remove any disowned crates when the owner disconnects from the match. Also reduced the lifetime of the crate to 60 seconds
  • Uplink: Throwback – Added collision to bounce the drone back instead of resetting in 15 potential spots around the Press Box (areas where the player would be unable to reach the drone)
  • Adjusted the Synaptic sprint out fire times for the LMGs and Snipers to be in line with all other Rigs (time it takes to shoot the weapon when the fire button is pressed while sprinting)
  • Fix for an issue where assist scores would not add to scorestreak progress for the last kill in round based modes

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