Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission si aggiorna con un nuovo update

E’ stata rilasciata quest’oggi una nuova patch per Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission, con la quale Bandai Namco dichiara di aver migliorato l’esperienza generale del titolo. Si tratta infatti di un aggiornamento che porta l’opera alla versione 1.01.02, quasi completamente dedicato alla correzione di alcuni bug debilitanti e particolarmente fastidiosi.  La lista completa delle modifiche la potete trovare direttamente qui sotto, tratta dal post ufficiale.

  • Fixed the issue from the recent free update, where the game freezes if the player creates a custom card using the newly added customization contents from the last update, proceeds to edit a mission in Mission Edit mode, and attempts to start this mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the game freezes during the Deck Selection screen if a card is equipped with (Limitless Saiyan) ability and equipped with a specific accessory.
  • Fixed an issue that occurs in Story Mode Chapter 4-1, and Chapter 4-4, when the player separates with their allies.
  • Fixed an issue that occurs when players purchase (Blank Cards) in the Creation Shop.
  • Fixed an issue concerning player Titles in the (S+ Top Ranking) screen in Ranked Matches mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to move the Cards in the Unit Set screen when canceling the (Fuse) action during battle.

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